Welcome to FarmyGro

Farmygro foods Ltd is a private limited company established in accordance with the Companies and Allied Matters Acts as revised in 2020 and focuses on providing services in the areas of agriculture, post-harvest management, landscapes, ecosystem restoration, soil, and land management.

Farmygro Nigeria Limited provides a vast experience in integrated solutions and pioneering technologies, especially in storage/post-harvest management, landscape restoration, climate-smart, and sustainable agricultural practices.


To be a leader in the conception and implementation of agricultural and environmental projects with a focus on improving productivity in a sustainable manner.


To ensure sustainable production and supply ability through enhancing the agri-food systems.


  • Collaborative
  • Proactive
  • Efficiency
  • Quality-Focused
  • Training & Development



We provide a comprehensive range of cutting-edge farming solutions and management techniques for a landscape and climate that are changing, as well as for rural communities, customers, and the social fabric.

Post-Harvest Management

Our business is committed to reducing loss and wastage brought on by pests, illnesses, and incorrect storage techniques by offering farmers sustainable solutions for agricultural storage and post-harvest handling.


Farmygro Agro-processing offers a turnkey solution. By connecting the market to resources, we sustainably create value for stakeholders. We have a wealth of expertise working with agribusiness stakeholders at every stage of the value chain and have developed rich experience in tackling problems.

Nature-Based Solutions

Farmygro provides nature-based solutions to disaster and climate change risks through various forms of ecosystem-based approaches to tackling different societal challenges. The idea based on the ecosystem approach, which seeks to manage land, water, and living resources holistically in a way that fosters conservation, restoration, and sustainable usage in an equitable manner.


Our co-innovative landscape restoration and management techniques covers a wide range of restoration and conservation practices, project management, and restoration economy management. They are site-specific and designed to restore landscapes and ecosystems with high resilience to natural disasters and climate change while protecting biodiversity and creating diversified and revitalized rural landscapes in which natural areas and agriculture co-exist.

Climate-smart Agriculture

Our Climate-smart Agricultural services are focused to archiving the three goals of climate-smart Agriculture (mitigation, Adaptation, and Productivity) for sustainable productivity through;

  • Input use
  • Manure Management
  • Soil and water conservation Technologies
  • Conservation Agriculture
  • Rangeland Management
  • Fishery and Aquaculture
  • Capacity building

Renewable Energy

We offer solution for low-cost clean/renewable energy development for households and agri-food systems growth from analysis to design and production.


Our Smart agriculture services offers comprehensive greenhouse farming solutions that adheres to agricultural best practices and maximize resources to increase agricultural output.

We develop custom-made adapted solutions to simplify things for the customer and optimize resources to make it easier for the customer.

Soil Fertility Management

With our quick, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly approaches, we can help you maximize yield on your farm while utilizing the least number of resources. We are experts in comprehensive fertility and remediation services.

Other related soil management services include;

  • Soil Restoration and remediation
  • Farm Soil Survey and Fertility Mapping
  • Bio stimulants and Growth hormones.


Our Bioeconomy innovations play a critical role in the transformation of the agri-food systems and assist the creation of thriving local and alternative supply chains as well as the promotion of capacity building and adoption of the circular economy with low carbon emissions.


The Farmygro Management Team comprised of seasoned and diverse professional staff and dedicated individuals with a passion and highly collaborative approach to making an impact in the agriculture sector/agri-food systems and climate change and disaster risk reduction through the management of ecosystems and agricultural projects and value additions with full-time employees and on-call experts.



There is so much work and commitment, a lot of passion and sacrifice, that goes into our work inorder to ensure that the industry offers excellent services to consumers and also develop the vegetable and fruit value chain through innovative partnerships and extensive networking. At the back of our minds lies Social welfare, public health and awareness, food safety, Environment, humanity and Value addition.

Get to know us

Our Core Values

  • Human Dignity
  • Efficiency
  • Advocacy
  • Service
  • Training & Development
  • Environment & Social Governance

Farmygro Nigeria Limited provides a vast experience on integrated solutions and pioneering technologies especially in storage/post-harvest and soil management for smart/protected/precision agriculture to boost productivity. The company is also involving in sustainable agriculture with interest in Agroforestry, organic farming Regenerative Agriculture


We’re popular leader in agriculture market nation wide